In this article we will discuss PDH, and we will briefly discuss PDH, and the last article we will discuss about ISDN.
In telecommunications, a digital multimeter hierarchy is a hierarchy that consists of a structured repetition of combined digital multipliers that produce speed signals that are later higher in each level of the hierarchy.

Digital synchronous hierarchy (PDH) is a technology used in telecommunication networks to transmit large amounts of data on digital transmission equipment such as fiber optic and wireless microwave systems.
The PDH design allows streaming of data without synchronization (clocks running at similar times, fully synchronized) to synchronize signal exchange. PDH clocks work very close, but not at exactly the right time with each other so that during transmission times, signal arrival times may vary because transmission speeds are directly related to the clock frequency.
PDH means Plesiochronous digital hierarchy and SDH means synchronous digital hierarchy. Both PDH and SDH are terms associated with numerical multiples used in exchanges. Different hierarchies are merged with different bit rates.
The advantages of PDH include:
The equipment is small enough for use in street cabinets
Good for point-to-point communication
Economic support for access networks
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